You will find on these two sites the essential information to find a student accommodation in France:
Top 10 Sites for Research:
For the public university residences managed by CROUS (Centres régionaux des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires), you can still try your luck on:

CROUS also has its own verified ad site:
For Paris, think of the Cité Internationale which also manages rooms for students:

Private university residences are more expensive, but they are also places of exchange. There are many:

Sharing a home is the ideal solution to help each other between foreign and foreign students:
You can also find accommodation in the private sector, real estate agencies are more expensive but they avoid unpleasant surprises:
Renting to a private individual involves certain risks (attention to the contract!). Private ad sites can be a good price indicator
Finally word of mouth, classifieds in bakeries and social networks can help you in your research.
Do not forget that in France, there are aids for student housing according to income and housing. The magic word: CAF (caisse d’allocations familiales) and APL (Aide personnalisée au logement):

Bonne chance !