Every foreign student has the right to work while studying in France. This right applies to all students in France.
French law allows foreign students to work, on a incidental basis, 964 hours a year, the equivalent of 60% of the legal working time. It can only be an extra salary.
When working in France, whether studying or not, a legal minimum wage is guaranteed. It is called Smic (salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance).
The minimum gross hourly wage is €10.25 (about €8.11 net) or €1,554.58 gross per month (about €1,231 net) based on the statutory working time of 35 hours per week. Daily wage (7 hours of work/day): EUR 71.75 gross – EUR 56.77 net.

How do I get a job?
Social networks/contacts/word of mouth! Don’t hesitate to talk about it around you.
Apply for jobs through employment sites like: JobEtudiant, Campus Emploi, Student Job, L’étudiant, Crous Emploi.
Apply directly via corporate sites. Most large companies (Auchan, Carrefour, Décathlon) have a special student recruitment site.
France is the paradise of chains (restaurants, fashion, perfumery etc.), and they have a great need of staff: Mc Donalds, Bricorama, Sephora.
Think of temporary agencies (intérim/agence d’intérim) for better paid missions: Manpower, Adecco.
Bakeries or small shops, you can place an ad.

Keywords for internet search: recrutement job étudiant(e) – offre d’emploi étudiant(e), recherche emploi/job étudiant(e)
Basic student jobs:
Cashier/Cashier in a supermarket. (hôte/hôtesse de caisse)
Seller/. (Vendeur/vendeuse)
Hostess for trade fairs. (hôtesse pour salons professionnels)
Server/waitress. (serveur/serveuse)
Delivery. (livraison/livreur)
Special classes (languages or school support). (cours particuliers de langue/soutien scolaire)
Telephone surveys. (enquêtes téléphoniques/télémarketing)

Make a student CV and don’t hesitate to leave one everywhere. An example of a student CV.

What kind of contracts?
Depending on the needs of the employer you can respond to offers of fixed-term contract (CDD), permanent contract (CDI); full-time, part-time, or Intérim (temporary work. A contract is signed at each mission).
The CDD is renewable only once within a total period of 18 months. The pleasant side of the CDD is in the precarious premium at the end of the contract (if you go until the end of the mission) which is equal to 10% of your gross salary paid. Also, paid holidays that you could not take will be paid to you. In fixed-term contracts, you benefit from the same working conditions as employees on permanent contracts (salary/hours, etc.).
Interim allows you to carry out short or medium-term missions, whether or not you accept them as the agency proposes. The salary is often quite advantageous on an interim basis.
The contract of employment is mandatory! Sign a contract of employment!
The contract must agree on the purpose of your assignment, working hours and remuneration.
Bonne chance !